Home sweet home

A few days ago an article in Il sole 24 ore, entitled “The house holds the value if of quality”, which analyzes the different perception we have of our homes now that we are forced, despite ourselves, to live them full time.
Before the lockdown, most of us lived in the house as a “foothold”, as a mere place to sleep, take a shower and perhaps have dinner a couple of times a week. Now houses are under maximum pressure because our time is lived completely in the home: private life, working life, social life.
The spaces have become insufficient, we are realizing that we have not studied the rooms adequately in order to fulfill multiple functions, we do not find ourselves with correct lighting at different times of the day, and we miss it tremendously an open space.
Well, quarantine is having the ungrateful merit of highlighting house defects. On the one hand, the material problems, those related to the structure of the house: size, natural lighting, distributive cut, lack of a terrace or a second bathroom that we always wanted to do but that we have always postponed, etc .; on the other, the critical aspects of the design, due to our interventions: materials used that no longer convince us, disharmonious colors, wrong furniture in positioning, use and style, incorrect or insufficient light points.
It is more difficult to intervene on material problems, or rather, we could intervene by changing the distribution layout but we could never add a terrace or window that is not there. And here the chapter would open on how the purchase criteria of future houses will change, because it is evident that we will evaluate much more carefully a series of parameters that we probably had neglected.
On the critical aspects of the design, however – and by design we mean how the houses are designed in their spatial use, how they are furnished, how they are artificially illuminated, and how they are reasoned from a stylistic and functional point of view – here there are very wide margins of intervention.
Many people, as soon as possible, will make changes in the houses – some of them have already asked us for an opinion – and many people, who were looking for a house before everything stopped, will change the search criteria.
The world has changed and will hardly return as before in a short time. The logical consequence will be to find the right key to live well in a new scenario that will see the house protagonist undisputed. Maybe we will have fewer resources at all, but we will spend less on many things like ephemeral goods, travel, fashion and we will focus our resources more on those enduring assets related to our daily well-being.
Thinking about domestic well-being, we identify 4 evaluation areas that we suggest you keep in mind:
1. size and organization of space
2. natural lighting and ventilation
3. open spaces (terraces) and common spaces (courtyards, gardens)
4. materials, furnishings and accessories (including lights)
Is it easy to think of everything? No, it’s not easy, but you can always contact us!