26 April 2020
My passion for space organizing was born when I was a child and I often traveled by plane. As a careful observer, as I have always […]
26 April 2020
The coffee table in the living room or, to put it in Italian, the coffee table in the living room, is transforming more and more, from […]
26 April 2020
After returning from Paris, after visiting the Maison et Objet fair, and some showrooms and art galleries in the city center, the time has come for […]
26 April 2020
Daniel Liberman, paleoanthropologist at Harvard University writes: «Whether we like it or not, we are plump and furless primates who like sugars, salt and fats, but […]
26 April 2020
The beginning of a new year is always the time for good intentions, we evaluate how much can be improved in ourselves, in relationships and friendships […]
26 April 2020
A few days ago an article in Il sole 24 ore, entitled “The house holds the value if of quality”, which analyzes the different perception we […]