Space organizing by Miky

My passion for space organizing was born when I was a child and I often traveled by plane. As a careful observer, as I have always been, I was curious to see how everything was perfectly organized inside the cabin: from the spaces for passengers to the area for the crew, from the trolleys for the service to the kitchen area.
Nothing is left to chance inside the cabin, because space is limited and each element present must have the best possible location, both in terms of location and in terms of ease of use.
Then I got off the plane and went back to the terrestrial world, I went into the houses and I saw – as I continue to see – something wrong with the organization of the spaces.
So I always asked myself: why not transfer the logic behind the flawless functioning of an aircraft inside homes?
We are sincere, especially with ourselves, and we dispel some commonplaces: order is not an opinion, the correct functioning of a room is not subjective, being able to carry out daily cleanings in an adequate way – since what we have is our own place – does not come from a stroke of luck.
It happens to feel that disorder can have its own order, that chaos is creative, and that everyone has the right to think of their home with maximum freedom. It’s all true and legitimate but a fact will remain irrefutable: if you want a house that works, if you want a clean house, if you want a house that can be managed intelligently and efficiently, and if you want to invite guests without feeling uncomfortable, you cannot live in chaos .
The general organization of the domestic spaces, the right location of the furnishings, the correct location of the accessories and any object that contributes to designing your home, will all be fundamental factors in making your life better. Be careful, therefore, not to transform your “bad habits” into an alibi of alleged freedom of choice.
Do you think you want to make changes to some rooms? Do you want to renew the style of the home? The prerequisite for taking these steps must be a preventive lightening of the house from all those things that weigh it down, or that no longer correspond to your present. And that also weigh down you and your mind! We are in constant relationship with our surroundings, let’s not forget it. If we really love our homes, we don’t create Lost & Found style corners of the airports, we don’t cram the wardrobes for an unhealthy attachment to things unused for years.
My heart cries when I see people unaware of living in chaos, and I find it very difficult to understand who says: “Well, the important things in life are other”. In conclusion, I remind you of two fundamental concepts: 1. the space of the house does not tend to infinity 2. the order is not an opinion