The house I want

Time has stopped, lives have stopped, trams and outdoor races have stopped. And then the travels, dreams, evenings with friends stopped, an emotion in front of the cinema screen in front of the house, this also stopped. We are immersed in an Edward Hopper scene.
We are all at home, stunned and dismayed, we look around, we wait for time to pass, hoping that all this will end soon, that everything can pick up exactly from the point where everything stopped. We want our life to return to its original rhythms, when the world was normal and we could decide for ourselves.
But everything jumped, the world blew up, exploding like a minefield in which we ran happily, without perceiving the danger. Now we are inside our house, as if it were the new center of the world, and in the end it is, because we don’t have another one at the moment. We keep looking around, and when we run out of space, we look inside ourselves.
This condition of extreme limit, a dimension in which we are not used to living, leads us to think, to question the present and the future, to imagine something we do not yet know: nothing will be as before. We live suspended on the ridge of two eras. There will be a “before and after” this motionless time.
Now, let’s think about what the world we left behind was like, let’s carefully evaluate our lives and our behaviors. I have the impression that we were inside the gear of a watch that was loaded every morning by someone else. Then this clock was crashed into a wall because it no longer wanted to work. It was a gesture of anger, it all happened in an instant.
We are on the ground, kneeling on the floor to collect the washers, the pins, the fragments of glass that risk injuring us. But we are not defeated because we have a unique opportunity: we can imagine a new mechanism, designed and created by us, which is capable of generating a different time, more true, more human, perhaps slower. The slowness so loved by Calvino, he understood it a long time ago.
The world that I would like is like the house I would like, it is a world designed to feel good, on a human, female and child scale. It is a world in which every choice is aware, it is a world in which we will say many no and we will not have to feel guilty.
The house I would like is a house designed for me, and to host friends, to have a chat in the evening, to welcome passions and memories.
The house I want must belong to me, I don’t want it to be like the others expect it, because I need empathy and I no longer care about the safety of fashion.
The house I want? It’s like the world I want: free, sustainable, balanced and full of colors.